How to choose bone food for dogs?


Dogs are born to chew on bones

Bone chewing does have many benefits for dogs. For example, you can clean your teeth, get rid of bad breath, exercise your mouth and so on. The most important thing is to release the excess energy of the pet and prevent the demolition of the home.

But! Not all bones are edible.

Pets with raw bones should not be eaten. The owner needs to ensure that the bone and meat have undergone a strict sterilization process, and also regularly deworming the dog’s body, so as to ensure that the practical bone pet is still healthy.

Cooked bone pets are also not allowed to eat. Because cooked bones are cooked, it’s hard for dogs to digest. In serious cases, these bones accumulate in the stomach and affect the health of the pet and need to be removed by a doctor.

Hard bones should not be used. Cow bones, for example, can cause teeth to break. In addition, the sharp bone is easy to scratch the dog’s esophagus, and the situation of scratching the dog’s digestive tract is dangerous to the pet.

So how exactly is a dog supposed to eat a bone?

Owners should choose bones that are naturally air-dried. Bones after a long time to dry until crisp, such food is relatively safe for dogs, and the nutrients in it are a good supplement to the needs of pets, is a rare good choice.

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